Health Intuitive

Alternative Medicine News

Acupuncture Overland Park and Eczema

Acupuncture Overland Park for the treatment of eczema is a process whereby thin needles are inserted at certain strategic points in the body to remove energy imbalances and blockages in the body.  During acupuncture, the needles are manipulated by the acupuncturist or are connected to machines that send out electric impulses to elicit a favorable physiological response.  In the hands of an experienced and well-trained acupuncturist, the insertion of needles should not be painful at all and the patient may not even be aware that the needles have been stuck into the skin.  Upon consultation, the acupuncturist usually examines the patient thoroughly in order to get a clear and precise diagnosis.  The skin condition is carefully studied.  People react differently to acupuncture and some may show improvement immediately while some may take three, four or five sessions before showing some improvement in their skin health.   Some may need only a few sessions of treatment while others may take half a year before treatment is finished.

Eczema is a skin disorder manifesting on the outer surface of the skin. Eczema is distinguished by swelling, redness, blisters, crusts, scales or scabs on the epidermis

It is also characterized by a burning or itching sensation with skin dryness on the perimeter of the affected area.  Eczema can be caused by allergies, the weather and food choices.  Western society turns to topical ointments and creams or drugs to combat this skin disorder.  However, these medications serve only to relieve the symptoms of pain and itching and do not even start to address the root cause of the disorder.  TCM does not aim to merely treat symptomatic problems.  It believes that a body in good health means it is in a state of relative balance, physically and emotionally.  When the body is in a state of disharmony or imbalance due to climate changes, emotional extremes such as stress or anxiety and diet, ailments and illnesses usually arise.

According to TCM, eczema is caused by the imbalance of wind, heat and dampness in the body. Eczema is not the root problem itself but merely a manifestation of an underlying health problem, which may be an imbalance in chi (yin-yang) energy in some of the major organs in the body.  Acupuncture can address these problems effectively.  Sometimes acupuncture therapy is complemented by herbal medicine to make treatment much faster and more optimal.  The acupuncturist will select the acupuncture points he/she deems are needed to treat the patient.  These points are connected to meridians that serve as energy channels and the meridians in turn are connected to some major organs where chi flow has stagnated.  Acupuncture for eczema is relatively safe and truly an effective form of treatment for skin disorders like eczema.

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