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Alternative Medicine News

Eliminating Stress with Acupuncture Palm Harbor

For thousands of years, acupuncture Palm Harbor has been a remedy for the Chinese people for numerous kinds of ailments in the body.  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hundreds of acupuncture points are located all over the body and lie along energy channels called meridians.  The meridians are the vessels where life energy known as chi flows.  Several hair thin non-hollow needles are inserted into acupuncture points as a way to relieve headaches, stress, pain and virtually all sorts of ailments.  Western medical science still has no valid explanation as to how it works but nevertheless, hundreds of millions of people benefit daily from it.  Acupuncture is believed to exist as early as 3,000 years B.C.  Although countless scientific researches show that acupuncture is truly effective for many kinds of health conditions, Western scientific method cannot categorically prove it works and therein lays the paradox.  While the Western scientific establishment tries to make sense of their obviously flawed scientific approach, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed a minimum of 28 health problems that acupuncture can officially effectively treat.

Stress is a normal body and mental response to something that a person deems as a negative impact to his/her life.  Stress produces a biochemical reaction in the body that causes the muscles to stiffen, the blood pressure to elevate, respiratory rate and heart beat to increase.  This reaction can be termed as a fight or flight reaction or an adrenaline rush.  At these moments, the body is endowed with enhanced alertness, energy and strength to deal with the immediate situation.  After a short period of time, the stress dissipates and the body functions normally once more.  If the stress lingers for longer periods, it might become chronic and unmanageable leading to an unhealthy state of mind and body.  This kind of stress can cause, heart palpitations, panic attacks, hyperventilation, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and mental pressure.  The muscles display tremors, spasms, pain and tension.

Instead of bringing a relaxed and comfortable environment, the modern era has brought about stressful times to almost every individual.  Work and relationships are so subjected to pressure and demands that the body’s energy are exhausted leaving the body prone to illnesses and diseases.  Common manifestations of stress are emotional disorders (depression, anxiety, loss of self confidence), mental conditions (memory loss, lack of concentration), gastric disorders, skin problems and head and back aches to mention a few.  Prolonged stress will result in problems in the cardiovascular system including strokes and heart attacks.  Prolonged or chronic stress is a deadly disease and should be immediately treated to preserve the health and life of the individual.

The best solution for chronic stress is acupuncture because this treatment removes the factors that cause stress to be very harmful to the body.  Acupuncture relaxes and gives comfort to the mind and body, lowers heart rates, relaxes tight muscles relieving muscle pains and spasms and takes away any feelings of anxiety and depression.

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