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Alternative Medicine News

Arthritic Pain and Acupuncture Saratoga Springs

Arthritis is one of the most common health disorders in the United States.  It is a debilitating ailment affecting about 70 million people in the US.  As a person ages, he/she becomes more prone to arthritic pain. It is a fact that most people reaching 50 and above manifest some symptoms of arthritis.  This is due to joint degeneration, which causes the arthritis.  Still, arthritis can also strike people at any phase in life. Acupuncture Saratoga Springs and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in general can be effective in helping relieve the symptoms of arthritis.  There are two types of arthritis:  osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  The two have distinct causes, risks and consequences; however, both share a common symptom of nagging and tenacious joint pain.  The most common type of arthritis in the United States is osteoarthritis, which affects about 21 million people, mostly old people.  With osteoarthritis, the joint cartilage weakens and wears out, which causes friction between bones causing pain and stiffness.  Osteoarthritis strikes the joints in the extremities of the body, namely the joints of the fingers, knees, hips, spine, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and ankles.  Repetitive chores or work using the hands, elbows and shoulders can result in the onset of osteoarthritis.  A physically repetitive job where one always bends, stoops or squats may cause osteoarthritis eventually.  Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by swelling of the synovium.  This causes pain, stiffness, inflammation, warmth and redness in the affected area.  The joint becomes misshapen, which affects and severely limits its range of motion.

TCM believes that arthritis happens when chi flow becomes stagnant due to a blockage in energy pathways called meridians. In Chinese, this chi blockage is called Bi.  Bi can be treated with acupuncture coupled with Chinese herbal medicine.  Acupuncture with Chinese herbal treatment is very capable of taking away the pain and swelling caused by arthritis.  The acupuncturist selects certain acupuncture points and herbs depending on the body area where the blockage is located.  TCM understands that arthritis can have different causes (according to TCM viewpoint) and deigns to understand what particular type of circumstance caused the arthritis.  The acupuncturist, besides acupuncture, will recommend to the patient a proper lifestyle such as light exercises and nutrition such as foods low in uric acid to minimize their arthritic problem.  The diagnosis and appropriate treatment approach depends on the outcome of the physical examination of the acupuncturist on the patient.  Acupuncture points for arthritic pain are potentially located all over the body.  Tiny fine needles are inserted in the legs, arms, shoulders and toe.  People have different reactions to the insertion of these needles.  Some may feel pain while some may feel a very slight tingling sensation as the needles are inserted.  Once the needles are in the skin, a relaxing and calming effect is immediately felt in the mind and body.

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