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Alternative Medicine News

Acupuncture Can Be the Answer to Several Types of Respiratory Illnesses

Health concerns such as respiratory illnesses can make simple things like breathing a living hell for a lot of Americans. Respiratory diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchitis, and asthma can impact significantly a person’s quality of life making it hard for the person to sleep, work, or exercise and have an otherwise enjoyable daily experience. Most sufferers will rely on antibiotics or inhalers; however, regular use of these drugs will eventually take a toll on the health of these people. But if you don’t use them or lessen their use drastically, the damaging effects of your symptoms will make your sufferings intolerable. If you have this type of dilemma, you need to put Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture into the picture in order to resolve the symptoms holistically, naturally, and safely.

Respiratory conditions are seen by Chinese medicine practitioners as always related to the lungs. For them, the lungs are in charge of air intake and then blend it with the food in your body to give your body the energy and nutrients it needs to function normally. Strengthening the immune system and fluid distribution are some of the other important functions of the lungs. A lot of individuals suffering from respiratory issues tend to suffer from fluid accumulation in the lungs or develop edema (chronic fluid accumulation) in some part of their body (usually the feet). The lungs are very important organs as they are responsible for maintaining the circulation fluids throughout the body systems. Moreover, because of the fact that they are easily affected by the world outside, the lungs are prone to viral or bacterial infections that may result in pneumonia or bronchitis. If a person’s lungs are operating at peak efficiency, he may be able to ward off the flu or colds even when surrounded by sick people.

This segment will now be a bit confusing. In Chinese medicine, the kidneys also play a vital part in respiration and breathing. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the kidneys help catch inhaled air and push it down into the body. Nowhere is this more obvious than in asthmatic people who find it very hard to inhale deeply versus breathing out that same breath. The amount of air and oxygen traveling to the lungs will not be enough and one’s health will suffer without the kidney functioning healthily and adequately. Besides improving the function of the lungs, the acupuncturist can include in the treatment Chinese herbal formulas or stimulate specific acupoints that can bolster the health of the kidneys.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can treat the most common respiratory conditions of bronchitis and asthma as well as other respiratory illnesses. These treatments also can be used for potentially fatal diseases. Acupuncture, however, is ineffective for conditions like a type of lung cancer known as mesothelioma, which is caused when the lungs are exposed to asbestos. This cancer’s debilitating pain symptoms, however, can be alleviated with this treatment given on a regular basis. Through proper monitoring and diagnosis, Chinese herbs and acupuncture can help treat loss of appetite, nausea, coughing spells, and relieve pain associated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Although powerful these treatments are, it is extremely important to note that they should be used as an adjunct to Western medicine.

Go talk to a Chinese herbalist or licensed acupuncturist in Austin when you just can’t take another winter of catching cold after cold or it becomes difficult for you to breathe normally every day. These professionals may just have the treatment you need to let you live a happy and high quality life.

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