Health Intuitive

Alternative Medicine News

Anmo Gong And Self-Acupressure To Maintain Health And Cultivate Oneself

Very few people have ever heard of anmo gong, which is a shame, as it’s one of the best ways to maintain health and cultivate oneself.

In Chinese, the word ‘Anmo’ traditionally means massage, although today, the Chinese now use the term tuina to describe massage. The word ‘gong’ roughly means something ‘practice’ or ‘work.’ Hence Anmo Gong means the practice or work of self-massage.

Anmo gong is sometimes called ‘do-in’ in Japan although it tends to be based on quite basic physical techniques without involving too much qi or internal work.

You can compare Anmo Gong as some type of Qi Gong that uses self massage and acupressure methods. Actually, most Qi Gong and Tai Chi styles contain some forms of self-acupressure albeit in a limited amount; in Anmo Gong however, one specifically uses acupressure as a major component of the technique.

This has several advantages and can be like being able to give yourself a regular tune-up where and when needed. Most acupuncturists teach acupressure to their clients to bolster the benefits of their therapy. For the maintenance of well-being and health, it can also be performed as a regular practice.

An Anmo Gong set of exercises in its most basic form consists of acupressure on just two or three pressure points. More involved routines would likely be comprised of stretches, breathing techniques, or basic ‘qi gong’ like motions. The exercises may involve more spontaneous elements in which you allow yourself to be guided to do whatever you feel needed at that moment or they can be very structured.

This type of activity can normalize and strengthen your energy, balance your emotions, and bolster your immune system. Based on the selection of points and the type of routine, it can be relaxing or invigorating, long or short, gentle or strong. Actually, in terms of what you do, the choice is infinite, and one can customize their practice based on the specific preferences and needs.

Talking to a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner in Miami or reading a good acupressure book for some specific advice is the simplest way to start. Just by using basic acupressure techniques for a minute or two on a single point every day can generate great benefits even if you don’t have time for anything else. You could, for example, utilize the Stomach 36 point (St 36, sometimes called the ‘wonder point’) located on the lower leg to attain profound health-boosting benefits. This indeed is a fabulous way to start exploring anmo gong and self-acupressure.

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