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Alternative Medicine News

Heart Palpitations Coping and Support

In order to stop palpitations while they are ongoing, some individuals use poor methods instead of correct alternatives they are most probably simply unaware of. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to quickly cease palpitations once they commence.

One other potential problem is not remembering other treatment approaches if the one you’re presently utilizing does not work.

One practical way to treat palpitations stat is to utilize a series of remedies collectively termed as ARCTIC which is an acronym of these approaches.

A – Adjust Your Clothes

Adjust your clothes – When you experience palpitations, be sure that your body is not constrained by jewelry or clothing.  Keep your body free from any tightness in your clothing. Remove your shoes, take off any jewelry, remove your watchband, loosen your belt and do anything that frees your body from any constraints and help you feel more relaxed. These are simple practical ways to help you avoid getting palpitations.

R – Relax Your Mind

Many times, heart palpitations are caused by extreme stress. If you feel stressed out, shut your eyes and try to think envision a soothing scenario. Try to think that you’re in a tranquil happy place. You can visualize yourself on a beach with white sands and pristine waters or see yourself being intimate with the one you love. Regardless of what you visualize, make it as full of life and as real as possible. Visualizing happy and relaxing things is a simple but effective technique in calming yourself.

C – Cough

Coughing is a truly great way of relieving heart palpitations. Keep on coughing whenever you’re experiencing palpitations. It forces the heart back into a proper sinus rhythm.

T – Temperature Change

We know that the Arctic region is an extremely cold place. Remembering this should assist you in remembering that “T” signifies temperature. How can you relate temperature in addressing your palpitations? The idea is to quickly alter your body temperature. Some of the ways in doing it entail drinking cold icy water. Drinking really cold water is a very effective way in shocking your body particularly your nervous system that can force your heart to stabilize its rhythm. If you are in the kitchen, you can get ice cubes in the fridge ad rub them on the top of your spine, neck and face.  You can also take a very cold bath or cold shower or just simply splash your face with cold water. You can likewise just go and stand in front of an air conditioner blasting maximum cold air.

I – Inhale (Deep Breaths)

For the stopping of heart palpitations, take in slow, deep breaths. Breathe in using your nose and allowing your stomach to expand with each inhalation. Your heart rate will regulate using this quite effective method not only in stopping ongoing palpitations but also in preventing them from occurring in the first place. A lot of people are unable to take really deep breaths. Some of them may have a condition known as hypertonia whose symptoms can include speech ad breathing difficulties among others.

One effective breathing technique to stop heart palpitations and control your heart rate is the Valsalva maneuver. The Valsalva maneuver effectively stimulates the vagus nerve in a light way. The vagus nerve supplies nerve fibers to the throat, windpipe, lungs, esophagus and heart.

In doing the Valsalva maneuver you hold your nose closed, take a deep breath, close your mouth and try exhaling. Exhale in a manner that mimics the way you strive for a bowel movement. A guaranteed sign that you are performing this maneuver correctly is when your ears feel like popping.

If the Valsalva maneuver still fails to stop the palpitations, try to blow a balloon instead. This may seem an unconventional way of addressing a condition but in truth, it is a common way for decreasing the heart rate among personalities working in the entertainment industry.

C – Change Your Body’s Position

If you start to experience palpitations while you are standing up, slowly sit down and raise your feet preferably above your heart. You can also lie down and stay still. If your palpitations happen when you’re lying down, raise yourself in bed and try some of the aforementioned methods.
Goldfarb Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center
1339 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
Phone: 973-325-8884

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