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Maternity Acupressure Is An Excellent Way To Induce Labor

If you are pregnant, past your due date, and are achy and tired, you may need to schedule yourself for a medical induction. Perhaps, you thought about getting maternity acupressure therapy but still have some questions about its efficacy and safety. This article will help answer some burning questions you may have regarding maternity acupressure as it will furnish you with information, which you may need to finally meet your baby safely and naturally.

What is Acupressure?

A holistic type of therapy, acupressure can complement the natural self healing processes of your body. It is a multi-millennial Chinese healing modality that uses energetic points on the body called acupressure points. Acupressure therapists believe that these points are connected to energy channels that extend from the skin to the body’s various internal organ systems. Acupressure involves the application of pressure on certain points on the body using devices, elbows, or hands to generate a specific response.

How quickly do the pain relieving benefits of acupressure kick in? For mothers-to-be, maternity acupressure works almost immediately, usually within one or a couple of contractions. It will be apparent to you if the treatment is working if you start to experience a sense of relief, an easing of the severity of the contractions, and a growing sense of serenity and calm.

Applying the Proper Pressure

The vehicle to apply pressure on the points includes your knuckles, thumbs, fingers, etc. and the amount of pressure will vary from pressure point to pressure point and from woman to woman. Based on the reaction of the woman receiving the therapy, you will know whether the right amount of pressure is being applied. The woman should feel an intense but tingly and warm pressure. If she feels pain, then you are putting pressure on the wrong point.

There are certainly proper pressure points that should be used at different stages of labor. Certain indicated pressure points will need to be used as labor progresses through its various stages in order to attain the desired benefits. These points are clearly outlined in the guide to maternity acupressure therapy.

Anyone can perform maternity acupressure, even those without previous experience in performing acupressure so long as they follow the instructions listed in the guide to maternity acupressure therapy.

The only tools you need to perform maternity acupressure are your elbows, thumbs, fingers, etc.

Is there a danger when pressing the wrong points? There is no such thing as pressing the wrong points if you intend to induce pressure since the only points you need to press are those women find helpful in the induction of labor.

When is the best time to begin using Maternity Acupressure to encourage labor? Never attempt to induce labor before your due date through any means. Three to four days prior to a medical induction is the best time to avail of maternity acupressure.

Dominic Sembello is a licensed acupuncturist in Linwood, NJ, and the founder and clinical director of Health Source Acupuncture.

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